Tuesday, March 11, 2025

More World War Two STUFF!!

 Mostly from Warlord Games... ostensibly for Bolt Action... 

There are... 

1x Italian Tank kit (can be built as 2 versions of M-tank or 2 versions of Semovente!)

10x USMC Raiders

1x USMC MG team

1x USMC Mortar Team


2x USMC Medics

1x USMC Casualty

10x Italian Colonial Troops 

1x British 8th Army 6-pdr Anti-tank Gun and 3 crew

1x British 8th Army 2 Pounder anti-tank gun and 3 crew

1x German Afrika Korps LeFH 18 10.5cm medium howitzer and 4 crew

1x Italian 100/17 Modello 14 medium howitzer and 4 crew

1x Italian Bersaglieri Breda 2cm AA gun and 3 crew

WHEW! This should keep me busy for a bit... There are a few more of the cheaper Italeri tanks inbound (2 more Italian, 3 Panzer III). But I probably need to cool it for a bit and get some of this assembled and painted! 

(it is a lot... but even with this added, I've STILL painted MORE than I have acquired so far this year!!) 


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