Monday, March 24, 2025

Panzers Arrive!

I went on a bit of a spree a few weeks back, ordering stuff from a few different places. The three Italeri Panzer IIIs I ordered arrived today...

Panzer III from Italeri

The plan was to use them for North Africa, but it would be for the latter part of the North African campaign as these can be built as the Ausf. J/L/M/N variants - which weren't available until later in 1942...? 

While I'm doing pretty okay with the foot figures this year - 179 acquired (purchased on traded for) versus 194 painted - I am getting a bit behind on the vehicles... When all the stuff I've ordered arrives, I'll have purchased 19(!) tanks, and I have thus far only painted 7! 

As tempted as I am to crack these open and get to work, I should probably finish up the Italian tanks!


  1. Tim -
    I believe the PzIII Special (Ausf J, and possibly Ausf L) was available in some numbers for the Gazala battles. I suspect the Afrika Korps still had a lot of Ausf H versions, though.

    Just by the way, during 1943, the late PzIII (M and N versions) were combined with Tiger I tanks in companies of 9 Tigers and 10PzIIIs.

  2. 19 tanks! And the year is only 1/4 over!

    1. Ha-ha! Yeah... hopefully these will keep me busy for a while and I won't need to buy any more!!

  3. Useful acquisition! I've already purchased about 250 Napoleonic Bavarians and I need to get some cavalry plus I'm planning on a Napoleonic Spanish army and further down the line , Prussian and Polish! Keeps me busy as I explain to my wife, followed by" I could have a much more expensive hobby than this!"
    Best Iain
