Friday, March 21, 2025

WW2 Italian Semovente da 75/18

The first of three Italian armoured vehicles I'm putting together from the Italari kit. The kit allows you to build M13/39 or m14/41 tanks OR M40 or M41 Semovente. This first one I've build as the M41 variety 

Semovente da 75/18 (M41) 

I'm not sure there is any difference, game-wise... they made only 60 of the M40 and considerably more of the M41 - which weren't available until 1941... but it wasn't like the M40s were used in the earliest parts of the war in 1940... and there is little to distiguish the two, so I could always pass one off as the other. 

I did the Unit marker a bit different. I've seen black triangles and triangles with black and red or black and yellow... I generally make up completely fictional units, so I figured... why not black and PINK!? 

Not 100% sure what I'm going to do with the next two kits...? do I make two more tanks - to add to the one I already have and make an understrength platoon of three...? or do I do one or each and end up with two tanks and two semovente?

I also used the tank commander that came with the semovente kit to add a commander to the M14/41 that I'd built with an open hatch to eventually put in a tank commander. Tried to make him look like he's had a bit too much sun... 

The Chassis on this new plastic tank kit is a touch larger than the original resin M14/41 I picked up! 

Not sure if it's going to be noticible on the tabletop... 

If it is, I feel like maybe just making Semoventes with the kits! 

ALL the Armoured Platoon Options! 

So I have two more tanks or Semovente to build and paint and add to this. 

And I have another squad of Infantry and another gun to finsih assembling and painting... 

Would still like to get a few more CV-33s - with the HEAVIER machine-gun or the Solothurn Anti-Tank Rifle!! 

Maybe a light anti-tank gun... 

This afternoon I also got in a game of Bolt Action, but veering away from the Desert of North African, we played out a little action in the jungles of Burma! Stay tuned for that! 


  1. Excellent weathering!

    I wouldn't worry about any differences in the kits. But my eyes are getting old enough that I probably wouldn't notice any differences at gaming distances. And I don't know enough about such vehicles to know the differences anyway. I often can't even tell one make/model of car from another. ha ha

    1. I think I've been staring at them up close for too long... I don't normally notice these differences on the tabletop... I think they will be fine! thanks!

  2. Lovely little model and very nicely done, the size difference is fine in my opinion and will be lost on the table, great work.

  3. Lovely looking AFV! No noticeable difference in my opinion!
    Best Iain
