Friday, August 17, 2012

Send More Cops…

Some boys (and girls!) in blue to deal with all sorts of modern menaces both mundane and otherwise: Zombies, Super Villains, Player Character Supernatural Investigators that like to “cowboy it up” a bit too much, y’know, whatever…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

These are all from Wargames Foundry’s Street Violence range.

And a little update on the Vimy terrain:

Messing around with Das – I tried both modeling it directly onto the terrain and also doing it in saeparate strips and breaking to length and gluing on when dry-ish… both seem to have advantages… I shall experiment more and maybe get these painted up over the weekend…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I am working on the French Foreign Legionnaires. They’ll probably be next. That and some terrain updates…

Some more Great War Cavalrymen arrived in the mail today (thanks Will!) as well as some more mordern US Soldiers in NBCD Suits (thanks Assault Group!) – expect to see some of those rolling off the line soonish! 


  1. Love the coppers Tim. And your Vimy piece is going to be awesome.

  2. Tim check out He has quite a huge Great War display & you may find some of the tips your looking for there!

    Boards are looking good!

  3. Thanks Guys!

    I'll check that out Terry! Thanks!

  4. What is your plan for the coppers?

    1. beyond dealing with all sorts of modern menaces both mundane and otherwise: Zombies, Super Villains, Player Character Supernatural Investigators that like to “cowboy it up” a bit too much...? That pretty much sums it up. Extras for any modern skirmishy-RPG game that can be dropped in piecemeal or en masse to provide reinforcement or end a situation that's getting out of control .

  5. Glad the horsies arrived - looking forward to seeing what you do with them!

