Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Modern French Foreign Legion

French Foreign Legionnaires are in the works….

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

This is the first of the Eureka Miniatures French Foreign Legion figures I painted.

I have two snipers and thought I’d try do one of each in the “desert pattern” and “forest pattern” camouflage (That’s what my camouflage book calls them).

If you run you'll only die tired...

Here’s the other sniper in the “forest” camouflage.

Anyone paying really close attention may have noticed that the end of this chaps rifle barrel has broken off. I don't have the skillz (or toolz or patience) to drill out something so small. A few of the FA-MAS rifles barrels broke off too - they were a little easier to repair. 

Another not-so-sniper-y chap - he looks like he means business! 

I think I’ll do most of them in the “forest pattern”.

I love these figures.


Not like…

LOVE! The quality of the casting is superb, the detail is amazing, the poses dynamic…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Expect the rest of these shortly!!