Saturday, October 29, 2022

40 Days of 40K - Part Five

Here are a few more of the 40K inspired drawings I'd done over the last few days. 

#21 - Terminator

The prompt was just "Terminator", so I chose to do a CHAOS Terminator of the Emperor's Children chapter. 

I meant to add a few more spikes... but forgot ... 

#22  - Grey Knight

Brother Patrick - Grey Knight Purgator with Psilencer.

Based on this miniature from my own small force of Grey Knights.

You can see the rest of them here:

Grey Knight Force 

 #23 - Crisis Suit

I was originally going to do a Crisis Suit when the T'au prompt came up a week or so ago, but then looked ahead and realized it showed up as a prompt of its own. 

This one is based somewhat on the Tau Commander I painted for Finnegan. 

Well... the colour scheme at least... I think there are a few more crisis suits that will have a similar scheme... 


At this point I started jumping around a bit. No one said they had to be done IN ORDER?! So I started doing the ones that matched the actual day of the month, and figured I'd just catch up with the ones I'd skipped by when I could.. 

Day 27 - Dreadnaught

Remember when these were called "Eldar Dreadnoughts"...? I do, so.... 

Wraithlord Melynaearian

Again, based on a miniature of my own...

Eldar Dreadnoughts (Wraithlords) 


and then I just decided to do something else entirely... 

Watch the Corners - 28x35.5cm (11x14) - Ink on Paper

The other day I was feeling like I needed to do something different. All the drawings for this, and the other challenge I've been working on have been in these little 8"x8" watercolour sketchbooks, which are fun... but I don't LOVE working that small.. and I needed to do something different. 

I prepared a handful of watercolour sheets, taping them down to boards a few weeks (months!?) back, so they'd be ready for any moment I felt the urge to use them...That urge struck the other night while watching RuPaul's Drag Race with Amanda. 

Still 40K inspired, but not really following any of the prompts from the 40 Days of 40K Challenge. I'm not even sure what I was thinking...? Is this a ganger in the underhive? Is it a member of a Rogue Trader's crew preparing for boarding action?! I don't know. Just a dude with a bolter and a chainsword (and his faithful servo skull companion) ready for action. 


I'm probably going to slow down on these going forward. I had planned on doing a critter on a bicycle AND one of the 40K drawing prompts each day until I'd filled BOTH of the sketchbooks I've been using for these challenges - which would be around the end of November. I'm thinking now I'll do a few more Critters on Bicycles to finish off the month (and then I'll have done one of those EVERY DAY, ALL MONTH! On November, to keep the momentum going, I'm going to try and still do a drawing a day, but, like just ONE - alternating between the Critters on Bicycles and the 40K drawings... and try to get back to painting some MINIATURES and PLAYING SOME GAMES!!! 

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