Tuesday, November 1, 2022

October Games

I had lots of PLANS for October... was going to try and get going with weekly games of Warhammer Underworlds again... Was trying to arrange to run two games of Wrath & Glory - one online and one in person. 

The latter didn't work out because it's apparently impossible to get three people together at one time!? Might try again in November, but if that doesn't pan out, I'm giving up. 

Might still try to convince Amanda to get going with Warhammer Underworlds. There's a whole new box for this out just a week or so ago - Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood! I still haven't even painted of played ANY of the stuff from Harrowdeep or Nethermaze!? So I probably WON'T be buying that one. Also, it's $125CAD!? I think Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, which only came out 5 years ago, was $40CAD, for essentially the same things two boards, two warbands, cards, dice, and tokens. WTF!? 

Also ANOTHER Kill Team box came out in the last week or so... Also not buying that one. Haven't even BEGUN to assemble any of the previous box... I don't think I've even FINISHED any of the teams that came in ANY of the FOUR boxes I've bought in the last year!? So ridiculous. 

I did get in ONE game in October... and it was amazing! 

Sunday, 16 October 2022

Finnegan ran the second in a series of one-shot games for me and a few things to try out. This time he ran Dresden Files Accelerated. Jasper and Neil were able to make it out, Beau was sick again. 

(I met both of Neil and Jasper a university physics class... like... 30 years ago!? And now Finnegan is in university and has met a new friend that's he's going to be playing D&D with... and has two professors that play D&D...) 

Finnegan ran an adventure called "Neutral Grounds" and we each got to play a pre-generated character. I played a Heavy Metal Werewolf names Sean Barnes. Neil played a Wizard's Apprentice names Zack. Jasper Played a Retired Detective with some psychic abilities. 

It was SO MUCH FUN! We decided to forgo trying any other systems and next time we'd make our own characters and try playing a campaign - still just playing one afternoon each month! (and that, hopefully, will be this coming Sunday!) 


Despite not playing many games, I haven't been totally idle... I did do a LOT OF DRAWING this past month!? Participating in TWO different drawing challenges!?

I have also been doing a little bit of miniature painting.. I just haven't gotten around to posting any pictures. I was waiting to finish up a few more things, but maybe I should just post what I've got. I'll try to get to that this week. 

Looking forward to the release of Xenos Rampant later this month. I've also been thinking again about Neil Thomas' One Hour Wargames and getting around to trying THOSE out!? (How long have I been saying THAT!?) 


  1. Tim, whatever became of your WWI project? Do you still have those figures laying about?

    1. Oh, I totally do still have all the stuff. The miniatures are all done and ready to go and I still plan to do it at SOME point!?

      What happened was, just as I was shifting into high gear to finish off the terrain, Amanda decided THE BASEMENT MUST BE RENOVATED NOW?! and for that to happen I pretty much had to put everything away into storage and give up on the whole plan to get it done by the 100th anniversary deadline...

      Wow... that was five years ago!?

      And the basement never even got done that year.

      And it STILL isn't completely finished. So everything is in a bit of a state of limbo.

      (I'm a little bitter about the whole thing!)

      I suppose if ever I was able to clear out the garage, large-scale terrain building could happen out there - at least during the summer. Or, maybe when the basement IS done (if ever) and I have a work room again....?

      Because it's one of my most complete collections of miniatures, it's actually THOSE miniatures that I've been thinking about trying out Neil Thomas' One Hour Wargames with... maybe doing a 100 Days/Pursuit to Mons campaign with it - following the Canadian Corps rapid advance in the final weeks of the Great War...?

  2. Be good to see what you've been painting, I haven't been that productive with finished figures, lots of prepping, converting and priming not terribly interesting to post! It would be great to see your WW1 stuff back out again, trying to get people to agree a time/commit is very difficult, herding cats would be so much easier!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!

      It's pretty discouraging when people say the "REALLY WANT TO PLAY" a game... but then are never available, or when they say they are, and everyone else moves things around to accommodate them, they don't even show up... it's like DO you really want to play that bad...?

      Might have to just figure out solo gaming... Turn what WOULD have been RPG adventures into comics or something...
