Tuesday, November 15, 2022

40K -Assorted Imperial Guard - Rebased and Touched Up

 With renewed interest in 40K - brought about by a mix of actually getting to play Wrath & Glory and the whole 40 Days of 40K thing AND the imminent release of a new Astra Militarum Codex... I've been pulling miniatures out of drawers and considering things and reorganizing and dreaming. No interest in BUYING anything NEW - just wondering what I can DO with what I already have... 

First I rebased and partially repainted some Astra Militarum tank crew. They were all painted at different phases and had a mix of colours and I just made them more uniform and looking like they were part of a Tallarn tank crew - in case I needed them for the in-person Wrath & Glory campaign. 

I also wondered about reorganizing and possibly rebasing some of my Astra Militarum forces... In case I wanted to actually PLAY Warhammer 40000. The Guaiacan Commando jungle fighters seemed most likely - as they are pretty much COMPLETE - and weren't so HUGE a force that slowly re-basing and touching up would be too arduous... 

Also they're a good size that could be used in a Crusade force for a smaller Narrative Play campaign. If I fielded EVERYTHING, I'd have 115 models and a 69 Power Level force (according to the 8th Edition Codex). 

To get things going, over the weekend I rebased a few character figures... 

Guaiacan Commando officers and... their equivalent of Sly Marbo... 

I've started basing Astra Militarum character models on 32mm bases - so they could stand out a bit more and not get lost in the units. As Company Commanders have been character models for the last two editions of the game, I based all the officers on 32mm bases... THEN I started reading some of the rumours about the new Codex... It seems like Company/Platoon Commanders may now come with Veteran Command Squads and might not be Character models anymore!? GAH!?

Okay... so maybe no more reorganizing or rebasing UNTIL I actually SEE the new codex!? 

Looking at the Tallarn Infantry (and not including the armour)... I have about the same number of painted models and Power Level as the Guaiacan Commandoes... PAINTED models... but I have SO MUCH MORE Tallarn still to paint... Though I AM running a role-playing campaign involving Tallarn... So MAYBE I'll be getting to these sooner rather than later...? 

ANOTHER force that is, more or less, complete is a small collection of old metal generic guard/Cadians I have... Like the Guaiacans, I decided I'd start with rebasing the character models... who may not be character models anymore... 

Since the jungle fighters will have greenish-jungley bases. The Tallarn will have dry-brown-desert bases... I decided I could probably do this small force of Cadians on urban Sector Imperialis bases for fun... 

Assorted Cadian(-ish) Characters - officers and commissars. I also did weapon swaps on the officers. They all had laspistols, which are useless... gave two of them plasma pistols and the other got a bolt pistol. 

Also, Grim Jack... 

Not Imperial Guard. I just decided it was time to rebase him. I thought it might be fun for him to show up as a bounty hunter in Nercomunda or something like that... 


  1. Some great classic figures there. I imagine those tank crew are hard to find these days.

    1. Thanks!

      I mean, you can find just about anything... if you're willing to PAY! I don't think they can be found cheaply these days!

  2. Great looking guard figures and grim Jack is ace!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! I didn't even realize it was a Grim Jack knock-off when I bought it... I think it was just called Bounty Hunter, or something like that...? When it arrived, I was, like, "waaaaaiiiit a minute! I know this guy!"
