Saturday, April 25, 2009

Switching Gears Again

Well productivity has dropped sharply around here this last week. That’s mostly due to me being very sick. I don’t think I’ve done any painting since last Saturday. I have a feeling, thought, that it’s not going to be back to what it was when I’m better…

The sun is out, the road is clear and I’m feeling like a fat bastard. I haven’t done any cycling all winter (or any other physical activity other than getting from here to there)… I did get a bit fitter last summer and shed a few pounds… unfortunately due to a resurfacing medical issue in the fall, followed by surgery at the beginning of December and spending the following month or so lying prone in bed or gingerly hobbling around the house… Not to mention the extremely cold winter which kept us all further housebound and going a little stir-crazy… I’ve lost any fitness I may have gained last summer and likely gained all the weight (and probably more) back since as well (I can’t say for sure because I haven’t even gone near a scale as it would be just too depressing...) and my health, both mentally and physically, has been suffering because of it. So it’s time to get back on the bike!!!

Oh, I’m still SUPER stoked and fired up for the HOTT Campaign Weekend, and I’ll still be plinking away at a few more things for that and other hobby projects…. But there won’t be posts of new figures painted every other day and weekly battle reports.

If you’re really desperate to know what I’m up to otherwise you can follow all my cycling shenanigans over on the Other Blog.

I have no plans to do any racing this year so there won’t be any “training”. Just a lot of long distance riding; some Centuries or longer “randonnées” and maybe a few short tours with the family.

I thought “switching gears” would be a clever title because of the figurative meaning - switching from focusing on one passion (the hobby) to another (cycling), but also it alludes to something many do while cycling. It’s not all that appropriate for me however as all the bikes I currently have operational are singlespeeds, a couple of which are fixed gears…. Ah well… you get the idea right?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Horsemen and Other Stuff…

Well I’ve been busy with the HOTT Campaign playtest… and playing games… and other stuff…. But I have still been painting! I’ve just been doing little bits on this and that and working in large batches. So today I have a MEGA painting update!!

First up the last of the Normans for CVT’s DBA/HOTT army…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Some Knights – these are a mix of Gripping Beast and Old Glory.

Some Cavalry and Light Horse (or “Riders” in HoTT)– these ones are just Old Glory.

Crossbowmen - Gripping Beast

…and here’s the whole army together! What he’s got here is:

1x Knight General (or Hero General for HOTT..?)
8x Knights
1x Cavalry (or “Riders”)
1x Light Horse (or “Riders”)
2x Bow (well… Crossbow…) (or “shooters” )
3x Spear
2x Psiloi
1x Cleric

I still have some Dark Age civilians to paint up as “Camp Followers” but that’s about it… Now to finish painting MY Norman army!!

I have been working on a few mor things for myself in the meanwhile…

Two more stands of Riders for my Rohirrim (Lord of the Rings figures from Games Workshop)

A stand of dismounted Rohan Archers (GW/LOTR as above)

The mounted Rohirrim, so far... I have another 12 horsemen (6 stands worth of "Riders") and a mounted version of Eowyn and another Mounted Royal Guardsman on the way - these I will mount with yet another Mounted Guardsmanto make a third stand of "Knights"... or maybe I'll track down an ERkenbrand or Theodred... we shall see... Whatever I end up doing I shall be able to field an entire mounted army!!

Because I apparently can't take enough pictures of these... here's the entire army of Rohan... so far... in addition to the extra mounted mentioned above, I think I'd like to pick up a box of Warriors of Rohan and make a couple more stands of bow, spear, and blade.

Finally a stand of old Games Workshop/Marauder Miniatures) Dark Elf Witch Elves. These are for Amanda’s “ALL-HOTT Chick Army” (the Saphistic League of Unity and Togetherness). I’ve got another stand of these I’ll probably finish up in the next week or so…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

What next indeed…? I have enough stuff I could run my Campaign Weekend right now if I had to. I think I’ll try and finish up a few more Dwarves and Orcs…. Maybe plink away at the Rohirrim… Definitely need to work on some terrain… There are a few other things CVT send along I ought to paint up and send home with him…

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

HOTT Campaign Play-Test: Autumn 824

Autumn 824

(Refer to the map here: Campaign Map)

The Orcs celebrated the relief of Nalgabad for some time – much to the chagrin of their commanders. The undead partake in no celebration, and indeed had nothing to celebrate so they were back to Nalgabad before the Orcs could even be marshaled to march on the capitol of Amundabad. The undead fought like the mindless automatons that they are… but were vastly outnumbered by angry drunk Orcs. The battle was fierce, but short and largely one-sided. After the second defeat of the Undead minions, the Orcs continued their celebrations well into the Autumn, and indeed the winter, hardly noticing the seasons had passed.

The Dwarves having secured their new territory marched to the sea via Sykl and there boarded longships abandoned by the Nordlanders. They made sail for Boulgeaus. They invested the city, which fell shortly thereafter – wild rumours of the impatience and cold-bloodedness of the Dwarves and what they might do to the inhabitants if they were forced to maintain a long siege had a large part in the garrison commanders decision to quickly seek terms.

The Narns concerned with their reputation could not let their latest defeat go unpunished and sailed back for Morgond in the fall and met the Anglanders in battle for a third time this year. The “invasion” turned out to be little more than a raid, and when the “armies” met, exhausted and much reduced, they fought what amounted to little more than a short skirmish. Once again an Anglish General was sniped, apparently, by a dastardly Halfling woodsman and the force retired to Galordon.

Well that’s it for this little play-test! Thanks so very much to all who participated – it gave me a good idea of how things might play out on the Campaign Weekend) and gave me some things to think about…. Most of all it got me totally STOKED about running the campaign weekend and an extended email campaign afterwards!!

The prestige points listed below are the amount gained through battles and taking cities plus the points for cities controlled at the end of the campaign, followed by the total. Looks like Bob turned out to be the clear victor, followed by Joe, and then Cory… Woody kind of got crunched hard – I think his position on the map had a fair bit to do with that!

I’m considering how I might redraw the map…. Since there  won’t be any undead I can lose the odd little bit of desert in the corner… I might make it all on one continent - without islands. There was a LOT of sea travel and for the most part players were very lucky only one journey got caught in a storm and luckily only lost two stands worth of troops! Considering how harsh the outcome of battles is on armies I might just remove the need to worry about losing further troops at sea…

Now… back to painting and terrain making!!!

The Stats

Field Army Location: Nalgabad
Field Army Size: 14AP
Areas Controlled: Korrt*, Underyun, Garlac, Nalgabad
Prestige Points: 12 + 24 = 36

Field Army Location: Amundabad
Field Army Size: 2AP
Areas Controlled: Amundabad*, Tashaklabad
Prestige Points: 0 + 12 = 12

Field Army Location: Morgond
Field Army Size: 7AP
Areas Controlled: Nean*, Relais, Morgond
Prestige Points: 39 + 18 = 57

Field Army Location: Starsgard
Field Army Size: 22AP
Areas Controlled: Bohl-dur*, Harra-dur, Khalin-dur, Behln-dur, Hammar, Starsgard, Boulgeaus
Prestige Points: 28 + 42 = 70

Field Army Location: N/A
Field Army Size: 0AP
Areas Controlled: N/A
Prestige Points: 0 + 0 = 0

Field Army Location: Mrognd
Field Army Size: 8AP
Areas Controlled: Galordon*, Scael, Sykl,
Prestige Points: 30 + 18 = 48

Field Army Location: Quewedel
Field Army Size: 6AP
Areas Controlled: Quewedel*, Andild, Lyeldil,
Prestige Points: 0 + 18 = 18

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

HOTT Campaign Play-Test: Summer 824

Summer 824

(Refer to the map here: Campaign Map)

The summer started with the fall of Starsgard. A year and a half of war on two fronts exhausted the Nordlanders. Their army was vanquished and dispersed. Many marched east to live in the Anglaw – which was at least ruled by humans, others sailed for new lands – some would settle in Angland, some in Narn, some ventured further in seek of richer lands. Some accepted their fate and their new rulers the, The Dwarves, and hoped to make the best of it and live in peace with them. A few remained to bide their time, sabotaging the Dwarves were they could and wait for the return of their King!

Meanwhile the Orcs abandoned their siege at Sykl to relieve the siege on their “oasis resort vacation land”. The Orcs and undead battled it out in the shifting dunes and the undead were thrown back into the desert from whence they came. The shattered remains of King Christiankhamun V retired to the Necropolis at Amundabad.

The arrival of King Aethelbert at Galordon rallied the spirits of his men and they marched with all haste back to Morgond. Just west of Morgond they met the army of Narn already marching towards Galordon. The men of Angland gave a better account of themselves in this battle – led by their king who it was rumoured had “returned from the dead” to lead the Anglish to victory over their invaders! The Narns were beaten down hard and retired to their ships and sailed back to Relais.

Field Army Location: Nalgabad
Field Army Size: 14AP
Areas Controlled: Korrt*, Underyun, Garlac, Nalgabad
Prestige Points: 8

Field Army Location: Amundabad
Field Army Size: 6AP
Areas Controlled: Amundabad*, Tashaklabad
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Relais
Field Army Size: 7AP
Areas Controlled: Nean*, Boulgeaus, Relais,
Prestige Points: 29

Field Army Location: Starsgard
Field Army Size: 22AP
Areas Controlled: Bohl-dur*, Harra-dur, Khalin-dur, Behln-dur, Hammar, Starsgard
Prestige Points: 24

Field Army Location: N/A
Field Army Size: 0AP
Areas Controlled: N/A
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Mrognd
Field Army Size: 10AP
Areas Controlled: Galordon*, Scael, Sykl, Morgond
Prestige Points: 30

Field Army Location: Quewedel
Field Army Size: 6AP
Areas Controlled: Quewedel*, Andild, Lyeldil,
Prestige Points: 0

Monday, April 13, 2009

Send out your WARG RIDERS!!

As promised in a previous comment here are some pics of the freshly painted Warg Riders!

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Again, Lord of the Rings figures from Games Workshop.

Another view. I have a few more of these coming in the mail… or at least I HOPE so – the person I bought them from is suddenly no longer a registered user of ebay!? Wonder what’s up with that!?

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Um…. Normans…? Rohanians…? Some kind of humans on horsies… or maybe dwarves…

HOTT Campaign Play-Test: Spring 824

(refer to the map here: Campaign Map)

The Sping of the year 824 of the new age was a spring of sieges.

The Dwarves marched east from their new territory of Hammar to the Nordlanders capitol of Starsgard. King Njarl refused to meet the Dwarves in battle and burned all fields and stores in the path of the Dwarves march. He scattered the remains of his army to the hills and harassed the Dwarves with raids and murder in the night. The Dwarves laid siege to the city of Starsgard – and the pitiful few that remained there held on through the spring….

Meanwhile Orcs marched down the coast to once again invest Sykl. The Anglanders were ready and prepared to hold for some time.

The Army of the Undead King Christiankhamun V rose out of the desert at Nalgabad and besieged the Orcish garrison within. The orcs, too, held on through the spring….

The Anglish made ready at Morgond for another expedition to Relais. But the Righteous fury of the new King of Narn drove him to take risks. He set sail for his return to Angland before the seas had settled. Some ships were lost at sea, but despite this the risk paid off as the Anglish were caught still making their preparations when the Narns arrived on their coast!

King Aethelbert quickly marshaled his troops and marched to meet the Narns. They met on a hill near the town of Bastings. The Battle was short and relatively bloodless (compared to the bloodbaths of the previous year...!). After a short sharp clash a rumor spread through the Anglish ranks that King Aethelbert had fallen, struck in the eye with an arrow (Again with the arrow in the eye!?). His army panicked and abandoned the field. Many deserted and headed for home. Some retired to the capitol of Galordon. Rumors continued to spread – was the king really dead and left on the field of battle? Had he been captured? Gone into hiding? No one seemed to know for sure…

The Elves decided they’d had enough of the wars of men and abandoned them to their own fate. They began to rebuild. They would not venture forth from their island homes for some time...

Field Army Location: Sykl (besieged)
Field Army Size: 18AP
Areas Controlled: Korrt*, Underyun, Garlac, Nalgabad
Prestige Points: 4

Field Army Location: Nalgabad (besieged)
Field Army Size: 14AP
Areas Controlled: Amundabad*, Tashaklabad
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Morgond
Field Army Size: 17AP
Areas Controlled: Nean*, Boulgeaus, Relais, Morgond
Prestige Points: 29

Field Army Location: Starsgard (besieged)
Field Army Size: 22AP
Areas Controlled: Bohl-dur*, Harra-dur, Khalin-dur, Behln-dur, Hammar
Prestige Points: 20

Field Army Location: Starsgard
Field Army Size: 10AP
Areas Controlled: Starsgard*
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Galordon
Field Army Size: 16AP
Areas Controlled: Galordon*, Scael, Sykl
Prestige Points: 22

Field Army Location: Quewedel
Field Army Size: 6AP
Areas Controlled: Quewedel*, Andild, Lyeldil,
Prestige Points: 0

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Warriors of Rohan

I haven’t gotten much painting done this week due to playing games and running the campaign play-test… I did get some work done on some warriors of Rohan Friday night and finished them up yesterday.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Still more Lord of the Rings plastic figures from Games Workshop.

I got twelve these off of ebay (along with a bunch of other stuff), six archer and these six. If I were the patient (I am sometimes) and sensible (not so much) sort… I probably should have held off on these until I had some more. That way I could have had spearmen on one base and swordsmen on another and then it would have been very clear what to call them (Spear and Blade)… now I’m not sure what exactly to classify this stand as… maybe when I get more I’ll just have to peel these off their base…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Well it won’t be undead! Probably the Rohan Archers, followed by Norman Crosbow, and then some Knights, some Dwarves… other stuff… but likely before you see any of that – the conclusion of the campaign play-test!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Second Battle of Hammar

…and a rumble in the Orcwald Forrest!

Darrin popped by to play some games this evening and I talked him into playing some more Hordes of the Things, because… well… I’m a bit fixated at the moment. I thought I’d start by playing a scenario generated by the HOTT Campaign Play-test. Now I had already worked the results of the battle out – for the purposes of the playtest – but I was curious how it might have worked out played out on the table top…

(Note to players – This is just a “what if” and does not change the outcome of the battle that took place!)

Hammar, Nordland, Autumn 823 NA


In the Summer the Nordlanders had returned to their country to relieve the siege of Hammar – which was under attack by the treacherous Dwarves! The two armies went at each other hammer and tongs! Neither side gaining any advantage until a rumor spread through the Nordlanders line that their King had fallen, struck in the eye with an arrow. The morale of the Nordlanders broke and they fled the field.

Truly, Njal was struck in the helm, and arrow wedged in the eye socket of his helm, he fell to the ground and bled profusely from the scratch in his forehead, but he was far from dead! Quickly he rose to his feet and threw himself back upon the enemy, but alas it was too late. Panic had spread and his army melted away. With the army defeated Hammar fell.

Njal’s men retired to Starsgard. As the weeks rolled by, and their King did not return to the capitol, the Nordlanders believed him dead or captured. Either way it was determined by his Jarls that the King must be recovered. Hastened by their fury they arrived at Hammar while the Dwarves were still mopping up and preparing for their march to Starsgard. The lines arrayed and the Nordlanders charged….


1x Hero General
1x Shooter
9x Blade

1x Blade General
5x Blades
1x Warband


Now the Dwarves greatly outnumbered the Nordlanders – but I was curious to see how long the Nordlanders could hold on and how many dwarves they could take with them…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The Dwarves lined up for battle!!

The Dwarves were slowed by some woods and a lack of PIPs so the Nordlanders made the crest of the hill North of Hammar before the Dwarves could.

After the first clash – almost all along the line the Dwarves were thrown back. But up the hill they went again!

Because of the sheer numerical advantage there was little the Nordlanders could do about the Dwarves getting on their flank and rolling them up.

After three turns they had the Nordlander General flanked and that was the end of the game!


1x Blade
1x Shooter

1x Blade General
1x Blade
1x Warband

How was this different? In the Campaign the Dwarves took no losses and knocked out 8 Army Points worth of Nordlanders thus gaining 8 Prestige (and no losses!?). Here they gained only 6 prestige points (2 for the amount killed in excess of their own, plus four for the general) – but would have been down a couple of stands. Not that it would have mattered as the dwarves had 5 cities and could have replaced up to 12 AP during the winter that immediately followed. The Nordlanders would have had 2 more AP survive though… Every little bit would have helped given the situation they are now in

Afterwards Amanda and Darrin had a quick battle. Amanda decided to try out the Orcs and Darrin wanted to see what he could do with a full strength army of “nordlanders”.


1x Warband General
5x Warband
1x Blade
1x Spear
1x Behemoth
2x Beasts

1x Hero General
9x Blades
1x Warband


Darrin won the dice-off to see who was the attacker – so angered by all the border raids the Nordlanders raised the Liedang and marched across the border into the wilds to go hunt some Orc!!

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Amanda and her Orc Tribe

Darrin and his Nordlanders desperately trying to avoid the woods!! (honestly, if Amanda could have put more woods on.. she WOULD HAVE!! Beasts and Warbands against Blades in the woods – a recipe for a slaughter!)

I missed the first couple moves as I was downloading pics from the Second Battle of Hammar and starting this After Action Report…

Amanda rapidly trying to redeploy her forces to meet the Nordic onslaught.

… and doing not too bad a job of it..

Crunch the lines meet – the Nordlanders find their General flanked by ambushing Wolves from the woods! But they were quickly driven off.

Just to the General’s left the Trolls made their way into the Nordish line smashing, stomping and eating away – but their success was to be their undoing as they were quickly flanked and dispatched!

Keeping the pressure on my harassing the Nordlander’s flank.

After the initial clash, the lines begin to reform…

Impatient and hungry for man-flesh the wolves rush out! As they dies in anguish the Orcs realized they could not beat the Nordlanders today and faded into the woods to wage a guerilla war until the Nordlanders decamped and headed back to their communities in the fjords.


1x Blade
1x Spear
1x Behemoth
2x Beasts

2x Blades

Wow… this is turning into the House of HOTT madness – I’ve played at least one game everyday this week!?

Good Friday Fun

On Good Friday Rick and Jackson came over for some playing and painting. Jackson and I started off with a game of Hordes of the Things. I took the LOTR Orcs (just because I like the looks of them!) and Jackson decided to try out the Elves.


1x Warband General
5x Warband
1x Blade
1x Spear
2x Shooters
1x Behemoth

1x Blade General
2x Blades
3x Shooters
1x Paladin
2x Riders
1x Magician


(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Jackson’s Elvish mounted contingent ride out to meet the hordes of Nasty Orcs.

Elvish Paladin and Riders Clash with the Orcs!

The Behemoths ate one stand of Riders… the rest shoved each other back and forth…

Then the Paladins flanked my general and destroyed it… good thing I took out those riders the turn before – otherwise that would have been it! As it was I think the battle carried on for another hour as we shoved back and forth – always keeping the same number of dead…

It helped that my Behemoth ate the other riders and the Paladins….

The remains of our forces lined up opposite each other.

The Behemoth lacking any other place good to go tried to eat the Magician.

But magicians are scary and he ran away – the shoving match begins in earnest… Now one would think being down a paladin and two riders he’d be at a bit of a disadvantage. But having lost my general it was tough enough just keep the guys engaged together - had three or four warband that sat out the game on the flank because I just couldn’t get the PIPs to get them back in the game…

Back and forth they go.

Slowly shoving my guys back towards their base edge.

Finally the Elf Magician made my Behemoths run off the table and that put me over his losses and the game was over – after a good hour of nail-biting excitement!! Wow! Hopefully we’ll see them out again soon!


1x Warband General
1x Blade
1x Shooters
1x Behemoth

1x Paladin
2x Riders

Friday, April 10, 2009

Legions of the Damned

So I busted out my undead this morning to ponder as they are the next army I was planning on building for Hordes of the Things.... and it just looked like too much work...

A hobby should never be "work"...

So I've decided to put them back in the drawer for "another winter" when I am actually excited about working one them. Right now there's so many things I'd rather be working on (LOTR - Isengard Orcs, Mordor Orcs, Rohan, Moria... SYW British... Romans.. Picts... Amanda's "HOTT Chick" army...) that it would be torturous to try and slog through them.

I have plenty enough LOTR Orcs already done that I could field them as a second army of orcs and Mr. Miller's likely going to have his own done in time for the Wargame Campaign Weekend so I don't have to worry about upsetting the balance of "good" vs. "evil"...

This will also give me more time to work on some more terrain and add some more options to the armies I already have!

It will require some redrawing of the Campaign Map, but that's done easily enough....

So if anyone was looking forward to playing the undead... sorry about that...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

HOTT Campaign Play-Test: Autumn 823

(refer to the map here: Campaign Map)

And so it was in the dwindling months of the campaigning season that things really heated up…

As the weeks rolled by and their King did not return to the capitol the Nordlanders believed him dead or captured. Either way it was determined by his Jarls that the King must be recovered. Hastened by their fury they arrived at Hammar while the Dwarves were still mopping up and preparing for their march to Starsgard. The lines arrayed and the Nordlanders charged. Despite the Nordlanders fury the Dwarves stood firm like rocks and with each repeated charge the Nordlanders numbers were reduced. They fought like this all day until they could simply no longer stand for, and as night fell the survivors crawled back towards Starsgard. The Nordlanders were decimated, but it stalled the dwarves advance on their capitol.

As winter approached Njal Rorikson, King of the Nord escaped the clutches of the dwarves and staggered into his capitol half-blind, frostbitten, his beard shaved, wearing women’s clothes and smelling fiercely of manure… There was little to rejoice only time to sharpen their swords and make preparations for the spring when they would exact their retribution on the treacherous Dwarves…

To the east The Orcs siege continued. The humans held on with fierce determination and faith that someone would come to end their plight. That some one was King Aethelbert (the Almost Ready). He lifted his siege on Relais and sailed back to defend his new found lands in the north – the Anglaw. The battle was long and bloody, but largely one-sided…?! The Orcs took a sever thrashing and were in the end obliged to give up their siege and retire to Nalgabad.

Meanwhile, however, King Chrisitankhamun V, tried by the Orcs stalling at returning his territories had marched on Nalgabad to forcibly evict the squatters! The Orcs holed up in the ancient fortress and a siege dragged on throughout the season. As the campaign season drew to a close it was becoming apparent the Orcs would not give up before winter. When the Orc field army arrived, depleted though it was, King Chrisitankhamun V decided it was time to retire to winter quarters in Amundabad.

In the South the Narns made preparations to pursue the severely depleted Elf Army to Quewedel. But before they could the Elves returned to battle them again.

This we again played out. You can see the report here:

Second Battle of Lyeldil

The Narns would not make it to Quewedel this year… but the Elves were left with no Field Army to Speak of!!! They held onto their capitol and one other Island but what hope have they of defending it!? There would be little chance for them to raise much of a new army from scratch before the spring…

Perhaps the Age of the Elves draws to a close and it is time they abandoned men to their fate, board their ships and sail off to the undying lands over the ocean…

Shall we continue…? When I started this I completely forgot hat this weekend was a long weekend. Is anyone going to be around to play a second year. If everyone’s game I’ll keep it going for one more year as planned. If everyone’s going to be too damn busy doing family stuff I’m okay with calling it here – I’ve got a pretty good idea of how things are going. I have a lot of questions for you all about various issues that might need to be worked out. Alternatively we could suspend things for the weekend and pick it up again on Monday….?

Here is the situation at the close of the year. The second number in the Field Army size is the size of the Field army that will be ready in the spring.

If everyone’s good to go let me know where you want your field armies located in the spring!

Field Army Location: Nalgabad
Field Army Size: 10AP – 20AP
Areas Controlled: Korrt*, Underyun, Garlac, Nalgabad
Prestige Points: 4

Field Army Location: Amundabad
Field Army Size: 10AP – 16AP
Areas Controlled: Amundabad*, Tashaklabad
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Lyeldil
Field Army Size: 11AP – 21AP
Areas Controlled: Nean*, Boulgeaus, Relais, Lyeldil
Prestige Points: 17

Field Army Location: Hammar
Field Army Size: 22AP – 24AP
Areas Controlled: Bohl-dur*, Harra-dur, Khalin-dur, Behln-dur, Hammar
Prestige Points: 20

Field Army Location: Starsgard
Field Army Size: 6AP – 10AP
Areas Controlled: Starsgard*
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Sykl
Field Army Size: 18AP – 24AP
Areas Controlled: Galordon*, Scael, Morgond, Sykl
Prestige Points: 22

Field Army Location: Quewedel
Field Army Size: 0AP – 6AP
Areas Controlled: Quewedel*, Andild,
Prestige Points: 0

Second Battle of Lyeldil

Autumn 832NA, Lyeldil, Eilf


After wresting Lyeldil from the Elves the Narns made preparations to pursue the severely depleted Elf Army to their capitol of Quewedel. However, before they could sail the Elves returned to battle them again!



1x Hero General
1x Rider
1x Cleric
1x Shooters
1x Spear


1x Magician General
1x Shooter


(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The Narns deployment in front of their newly built keep…

The Elves Deployment

Amanda’s plan was to leave the archers in the woods – if anyone tried to come and root them out… let them – and use the magician to zip around the field avoiding contact with anyone and, when PIPs allowed, blast the Hero General in hopes of ensorcelling him. Unfortunately that darned cleric was still around making this plan difficult to execute fully…

The Narns plan was to chase the magician down with the Riders. The Hero General hoping to provide overlap or flank support – not wishing to get into it directly with the wizard for fear of being ensorcelled.

The archers thought the riders to juicy a target to pass up and left the woods to harass them. AS they galloped away the archers turned their attentions on the cleric – hoping that perhaps they might be able to get them out of the way…

As it turned out Amanda got extremely lucky (she rolled 6, I rolled 1) and took out the Riders…

What’s a Hero General to do now!? Well, for starters, ride down those pesky archers out in the open.

The elf wizard continued to dance about the table, occasionally blasting nasty spells in the general direction of the Narn’s General. The Narn’s tried to slowly back it into a corner where the Clerics and Spear to force it into contact and shove it off the table… eventually I just said “to heck with it” and took a bit of a gamble – the hero General charged into contact with the Elf Wizard to end the game. A dicey proposition; the Hero gets a quick-kill against magician, but if he loses he is ensorcelled and considered “lost” for the purpose of the game. The gamble paid off. Amanda rolled a one and the wizard was slain!!

Thus the Elves were left with no Field Army to Speak of!!! Luckily they held onto their capitol and one other Island and would be able to raise 6AP… which is what she had for THIS battle… the Narns of course will have the survivors of this but will also be able to raise another 10AP!? Bringing them back up to 21…

The time of the elves draws to a close. Perhaps it is time they abandoned men to their fate and board their ships and sail off to the undying lands over the ocean…

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

HOTT Campaign Play-Test: Summer 823NA

(refer to the map here: Campaign Map)

Njal Rorikson, King of the Nord, Lord of the Isles, Hammer of the Angles decided the Angles were too much bother. With one of his cities fallen to them, another besieged by the treacherous dwarves, and his capitol in peril it was time to return home. The Banner of the raven swiftly sailed back across the sea. Silenlty they landed their boats at night and fell upon the dwarves besieging the city of Hammar.

The two armies went at each other hammer and tongs! Neither side gaining any advantage until a rumor spread through the Nordlanders line that their King had fallen, struck in the eye with an arrow. The morale of the Nordlanders broke and they fled the field.

Truly, Njal was struck in the helm, and arrow wedged in the eye socket of his helm, he fell to the ground and bled profusely from the scratch in his forehead, but he was far from dead! Quickly he rose to his feet and threw himself back upon the enemy, but alas it was too late. Panic had spread and his army melted away. With the army defeated Hammar fell.

The Dwarves pursued them hotly into the hills and woods. Njal’s men retired to Starsgard. Those that made it back found they were without a king. Indeed Njal found himself cut off and surrounded by Dwarves. He was forced into hiding and it would be winter before he made it back to his capitol…

In the hills news came to him that further darkened his heart. An army of Orcs had marched from the land of the ancients to besiege Sykl – now held by a garrison of Anglanders. The Anglanders knew how to hold on to a city and the siege dragged on through the summer.

King Aethelbert (the Almost Ready) after establishing a new admisnistration in Sykl (now referred to as the Anglaw) returned to Morgond. There he found the Narns had given up their siege and sailed back over the water. Aethelbert sailed on in pursuit only to find that Grunnlaug Crowbeak and his army was no longer there either but had sailed on to Lyeldil in pursuit of the Elves! Aethelbert lay siege to Relais, but it was already well into the summer and the Narns would not fall so easily as had the Nordlanders…

Grunnlaug Crowbeak arrived at the Isle of Lyeldil to find the Elves ready for him. Without waiting for the support of his meager foot he led the remains of his horsemen on a reckless charge into the right and center of the Elvish line. The general fell and the Elf line evaporated. The tattered remains of the elf army retired to Quewedel.

This too we played out on the table top. A report of the battle can be found here:

Battle of Lyeldil

In the north King Christiankhamun V retired to his necropolis at Amundabad, fearing the Orcs might make for it and seize the source of his power – the Black Stone of Amunkar. No orcs came. Scouting Carrion Crows reported that only a small garrison of Orcs held onto the new “tropical resort oasis” of their empire…

Field Army Location: Sykl
Field Army Size: 22AP
Areas Controlled: Korrt*, Underyun, Garlac, Nalgabad
Prestige Points: 4

Field Army Location: Amundabad
Field Army Size: 12AP
Areas Controlled: Amundabad*, Tashaklabad
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Lyeldil
Field Army Size: 13AP
Areas Controlled: Nean*, Boulgeaus, Relais, Lyeldil
Prestige Points: 9

Field Army Location: Hammar
Field Army Size: 22AP
Areas Controlled: Bohl-dur*, Harra-dur, Khalin-dur, Behln-dur, Hammar
Prestige Points: 12

Field Army Location: Starsgard
Field Army Size: 14AP
Areas Controlled: Starsgard*
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Relais (besieged)
Field Army Size: 20AP
Areas Controlled: Galordon*, Scael, Morgond, Sykl
Prestige Points: 12

Field Army Location: Quewedel
Field Army Size: 6AP
Areas Controlled: Quewedel*, Andild,
Prestige Points: 0

The Battle of Lyeldil

Amanda decided she’d had so much fun playing he battle on the tabletop that she’d like to play out her second battle. Especially since it seemed like it would be a short one and we would both be able to get in bed at a decent hour even after I prepared all of the evenings reports.

I was keen to play it out as well to see how games with greatly reduced forces would play out.

Well.. they play QUCIK!!

Summer 832NA, Lyeldil, Eilf


After the debacle at Morgond the wounded Queen Amandalyll led the shattered remains of her forces back to their own lands. They landed at Lyeldil and preformed the rites for the dead. But their peace was not long….

Grunnlaug Crowbeak pursued them hastily as he figured now was the only chance he would ever have to bring the Elves to heel!



1x Hero General
1x Rider
1x Cleric
1x Shooters
1x Spear
1x Lurker


1x Blade General
2x Blade
1x Shooter
1x Magicians


(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The Narns array for battle

The Elves prepare to defend their homeland.

Amanda recruited a little helper – Princess Keira (future conqueror of nations) was official dice-roller for the elves.

Some sneaky Halflings (Lurkers) that had infiltrated the Elvish lines fell upon some archers in the woods. The Elves dispatched them with witheringly accurate archery.

Grunnlaug Crowbeak and his pitiful few horsemen charged headlong into the lines of Elvish infantry. The right recoiled form the ferocity of the charge…

Then the center fell, along with the Elvish General and the resistance of the Elves faded. They abandoned the Island to the humans and made for the Center of Light: the Isle of Quewedel.



1x Blade General

Well…. it WAS quick!!

What will Grunnlaug Crowbeak do now – pursue them to their capitol or return to narn to lift the siege of Relais…?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

HOTT Campaign Play-Test: Spring 823NA

Spring 823

(You can refer to the map for this campaign here: Campaign Map)

Early in the spring the men of Angland rallied to the standard of their new King Aethelbert (the Almost Ready) raised at Morgond. Having recently ascended to the throne of Angland Aethelbert decided it was time to expand his new empire. When as many men as could sail on the fleet assembled had arrived they quietly slipped out to see under cover of a cool morning fog.

The men of Angland rushed onto land a few days later in Nordland near the city of Sykl. The quickly enveloped the city and began “pacifying” the surrounding countryside. From prisoners, mostly old men and boys, they learned that all the men of fighting quality had left headed for Staarsgard, gathering to the Raven Banner. He later learned from his spies and outriders that the army at Staarsgard had long since marched west towards Hammar.

The Siege of Sykl had only just started when sails were spotted on the horizon… Could these the be Nordlanders was the march to the west only a fient? Had they boarded ships at Hammar only to sneak around and attack the Anglish from the sea? Such a long way around they must have sailed to be arriving from the east..?!

Alas, this was not the case. As the ships slowly sailed about some distance off shore the men of Angland made ready to meet their enemy – but before the ships ever reached the shore an army of the dead rose up out of the ocean and rushed the Anglish lines. The battle was furious, but the stout-hearted, shieldwall of the Anglish stood firm and cast the unholy terrors back into the sea!

After the citizens of Sykl witnessed the ferocity of the battle just outside their gates they flung open their gates and hailed Aethelbert as their savior and champion!

At this point Aethelbert learned that the Army of the Nordlanders had sailed for Scael and were at this moment trying to reduce it’s walls. Should he sail back to Angland to defend his people or march on the undefended Staarsgard….?

King Njal Rorikson was not having so easy of a time. The women, children, old men and malingerers of Angland appeared to be made of sterner stuff… or at least were more terrified of what the Nordlanders might do to them if they did surrender…

As the Siege and pacification of Scael ground on into the late spring Njal learned that not only had Aethelbert taken Sykl but the treacherous Dwarves had marched down out of their mountains and besieged the city of Hammar! If it fell their supply line would be cut off! With this news more and more of his army faded away with each passing day. If he could not reduce Scael soon he would be in grave danger of losing his entire army!

Meanwhile at the other end of the Island strange events were shaping up….

High Queen Amandalyll of the Elves considered all the reports of her eagle scouts and seers and it seemed difficult times were indeed upon them. Usually unconcerned with the troubles of men it seemed for the first time in centuries the instability and chaos of the north could indeed spill into the neighboring isle of Angland. Indeed if the growing evil were able to work their way to the Human kingdom and it were to fall what would stop them for reaching the islands of the elves… The Anlgish seeing the desperate times ahead had treated with the elves, pleading for their assistance. While not wanting to send her people too far abroad she accepted the new Anglish King’s invitation to help defend his lands and peoples (and by extension keep open warfare out of her own domain). Thus the army of the Elves sailed for Morgond… but when they arrived they found the city already besieged by the Narns!?

These Narns had been corrupted by the evil influence of Christiankhamun V – Lich king of the undead hordes sweeping down out of the northern wastes. Queen Amandalyll arrayed he forces for battle – the siege must be lifted! The battle was an epic struggle and looked like things were going to turn out for the forces of light, but in a Heroic last ditch charge the last of the knights and riders of Narn – along with the bishop of Relais and his order of combat clerics – followed their heroic King in one last ditch charge against the Elvish line. The King rode down a second unit of archer while one group of sorcerers were thrown back by the knights. The Bishop Of Relais himself smote the “Witch Queen” and the riders on the extreme flank rode down some more wizards and the Elvish line crumbled….

The elves loaded back up onto their ships and headed back for the Islands of Eilf to lick their wounds and perform the rites for their dead. It was a crushing blow for the forces of good. How long can they hold out against such reckless hatred and violence…?

With the Elves gone the narns turned their attention once more to reducing the city of Morgond. The Anglish held on though. It would be at least summer before they gave up their city….

(We actually played this one out on the table-top – a report of the battle can be found here: Battle on the Plains of Morg)

In the North The Orcs under their Warboss Timmillur (“the Clean”) marched into the desert and occupied nalgabad without much resistance…

So the General situation…

Field Army Location: Nalgabad
Field Army Size: 24AP
Areas Controlled: Korrt*, Underyun, Garlac, Nalgabad
Prestige Points: 4

Field Army Location: Boulgeaus
Field Army Size: 12AP
Areas Controlled: Amundabad*, Tashaklabad
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Morgond (besieged)
Field Army Size: 14AP
Areas Controlled: Nean*, Boulgeaus, Relais
Prestige Points: 4

Field Army Location: Hammar (besieged)
Field Army Size: 22AP
Areas Controlled: Bohl-dur*, Harra-dur, Khalin-dur, Behln-dur
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Scael (besieged)
Field Army Size: 22AP
Areas Controlled: Starsgard*, Hammar
Prestige Points: 0

Field Army Location: Sykl
Field Army Size: 20AP
Areas Controlled: Galordon*, Scael, Morgond, Sykl
Prestige Points: 12

Field Army Location: Lyeldil
Field Army Size: 12AP
Areas Controlled: Quewedel*, Andild, Lyeldil
Prestige Points: 0

For future campaigns I may just start a whole new blog... Oh the trash talking and behind-the-back dealings that have been going on via email!!

Kicking off the Campaign Play-Test...

As mentioned in the previous post I am running a quick play-test of my Campaig System for the HOTT Campaign Weekend in June. I recruited seven players to play by email – one seasonal turn per day, we’ll play for a week, see how things turn out.

Well already this has been a TONNE of fun… All of the players have REALLY gotten intothe roles and there has been much negotiating and alliance forming asn trash taling over the past day… I’m definitely going to have to start an email campaign in June after the Campaign Weekend… except with weekly turns so I can actually play out the battles that take place and write reports for those as well…

First thing I had them do was determine the location of their Field Armies then I sent out the following report:

(You can refer to the map here: Campaign Map)

..and so begins out saga….

In the year 823 of the New Age there began a war of a like this world has not seen before.

It began with a growing evil in the north…

King Christiankhamun V arose and swept across the ancient land of Amundala with an army of the dead. By spring his minions were poised to strike south from Tashaklabad to the kingdom of Narn to the South.

Orcs had been raiding the border fortresses of Dwarvia for centuries. But in the last year their raids have gotten larger and scouting parties have been probing deeper into the mountains. It has been rumoured that the great Warboss Timmillur has united the disparate orc and goblin tribes and has massed a great war host at Garlac…

The Dwarves under King Boblin (son of Bwain), always steady and ready to defend their lands, kept their field army in reserve at their capitol of Bohldur. The smoke pours thick and black from the mountain forges as the Dwarves make ready for war!

If the troubles from the North weren’t bad enough it was on this year that the kingdoms of the humans quarreled fiercely with each other. Duke Aethelbert (the Almost Ready) of Morgond ascended to the Throne of Angland after King Edwin (the odd) died with no apparent heirs. Duke Aethelbert’s claim to the throne was tenuous at best and the Kings of Narn and Nordland had equally tenuous claims…

The new King Aethelbert called out the Fyrd and raised his standard at Morgond, ready to defend his kingdom from all who would pretend to have claims to his throne!

Meanwhile Gunnlaug Crowbeak of Narn raised his standard at Nean and assembled his army… Is this an invasion force to claim his “right” to the throne of Angland or preparations to defend his lands from the unholy evil assembling in deserts to the North…?

Njal Rorikson, King of the Nord, Lord of the Isles, Hammer of the Angles has also been gathering his forces in a central location so as not to give away any plans he might have for conquest in the coming year… But gathering them he is at Starrsgard in unprecedented numbers. His enemies are sure to tremble before the fury of the Nordmen.

The Elves, usually stand-offish and willing to let the lesser races quarrel among themselves, saw that desperate times were upon them and gathered an army on the lsland of Quewedel

Stay tuned for the report of the goings on in TURN ONE – Spring 823…

Battle on the Plains of Morg

I’m running an email play-test of my Campaig System for the HOTT Campaign Weekend in June. For this quick play-test I am determining the results of most of the battles with a couple quick roles of the dice. But Amanda wasn’t feeling like tallying up her expenses for her San Diego trip so she suggested that we play out one of the battles and as it happened the Field Army of the country she is running just happened to be involved in one…

The Plains of Morg, East of Morgond, Spring 823NA


Early in the spring the men of Angland rallied to the standard of their new King Aethelbert (the Almost Ready) raised at Morgond. Having recently ascended to the throne of Angland Aethelbert decided it was time to expand his new empire. When as many men as could sail on the fleet assembled had arrived they quietly slipped out to see under cover of a cool morning fog.

High Queen Amandalyll of the Elves considered all the reports of her eagle scouts and seers and it seemed difficult times were indeed upon them. Usually unconcerned with the troubles of men it seemed for the first time in centuries the instability and chaos of the north could indeed spill into the neighboring isle of Angland. Indeed if the growing evil were able to work their way to the Human kingdom and it were to fall what would stop them for reaching the islands of the elves… The Anlgish seeing the desperate times ahead had treated with the elves, pleading for their assistance. While not wanting to send her people too far abroad she accepted the new Anglish King’s invitation to help defend his lands and peoples (and by extension keep open warfare out of her own domain). Thus the army of the Elves sailed for Morgond… but when they arrived they found the city already besieged by the Narns!?

The Narns had been corrupted by the influnce of Christiankhamun V – Lich king of the undead hordes sweeping down out of the northern wastes. Queen Amandalyll arrayed he forces for battle – the siege must be lifted!



1x Hero General
4x Knights
1x Rider
1x Cleric
2x Shooters
1x Spear


1x Blade General
2x Blade
3x Shooters
3x Magicians


This was a dicey proposition for me… a bunch of Knights against a bunch of shooters and magicians… fun… (both get quick kills against knights on the turn that the Knights move into contact with them…)

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The Narns form their battle line. King Gunnlaug Crowbeak front and center!

The Narns begin their advance towards the Elvish line.

Amanda, looking pretty confident. “So, let me get this straight.. If you move into contact with me, I get quick-kills and if you don’t I can just blast you from a distance…? BOO-YAH!” (okay… she didn’t actually say “BOO-YAH!”… but she was thinking it!)

On her first turn the three magicians zoomed forward and tried to blast the cleric!? No such luck…

The line of horsemen then tried to ride down the witch queen and her sorcerous cronies! They were forcibly trown back for their troubles and lost a unit of knights…

The elves maneuver up as the Narns were plagued with bad PIP rolls.

“Get that fat friar back up here!” A bit of back and forth – archers and wizards constantly disrupting the Narns line – the Narns never had enough PIPs to move the whole line back together for a mass charge

Things started to look bleak for the Narns when they lost two more Knights to archers darkening the skies above them!

… and worse yet when the Elvish heavy foot finaly made contact with the Narn foot element throwing them back towards Morgond and destroying a unit of archers…

Then it all went south for the elves in ONE TURN! The last of the knights and riders of Narn – along with the bishop of Relais and his order of combat clerics – Followed their heroic King in one last ditch charge against the Elvish line. The King rode down a second unit of archer while one group of sorcerers were thrown back by the knights

The Bishop Of Relais himself smote the Witch Queen and the riders on the extreme flank rode down some more wizards and the Elvish line crumbled….


So the elves loaded back up onto their ships and headed back for the Islands of Eilf to lick their wounds and perform the rites for their dead. It was a crushing blow for the forces of good. How long can they hold out against such reckless hatred and violence…?


3x Knights
1x Shooters

2x Magicians
2x Shooters

More on the Campaign in a bit...