Saturday, August 31, 2024

August Games

I did not go out to Skirmish Night at the Warhammer Store on Friday, 2 August 2024 (despite the fact that there were people, finally, playing Warhammer Underworlds again!?), as I was desperately trying to finish up the Blades of Khorne Spearhead army for Sunday! 

Sunday, 4 August 2024

It was a busy day on Sunday! To start off I rode out to the Warhammer Store to play in the Age of Sigmar: Spearhead League. 

In my first game I played against Dray's Flesh Eater courts. 

In the second game I played against Orion's Soulblight Gravelords!

There is a game report of these first two games I played in the League here:

Age of Sigmar - Spearhead League

After playing the two games of Spearhead, I rushed hope to set up a game of Warhammer Quest. 

Maygan couldn't make it, but John showed up - as well as Dan, to try it out. The Heroes made their was through the Branching of the Ways.

Game report:

Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal - Session Three

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Orion and Nic came over for the afternoon to play a few games of Warhammer Underworlds. You can read all about that here:

Warhammer Underworlds Sunday

Later in the evening John and Maygan came over to continue playing Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal. Read more about it here:

Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal - Session Four

I'd made plans to go out and play more games later in the week... but then the temperatures soared and smoke rolled in again from wild fires somewhere west of here and that kiboshed those plans.... There were multiple days where the Air Quality Health Index just said 10+ Very High Risk and I just didn't even leave the house. 

And then I got sick... and I'm still kind of sick.. so... 

Maybe next month will be better... 

What did everyone else get up to this month!? 

What Games did YOU play?

What Miniatures did YOU paint?

OR what OTHER fun things were YOU doing instead of playing games and/or painting miniatures while the weather was nice!?

Age of Sigmar - Bladegheist Revenants

 I finished up a few more of the Nighthaunts from the Arena of Shades box...

Bladegheist Revenants

ALL the Nighthaunts so far... (Half of them are Warhammer Underworlds warbands!?)

I have already painted the Spirit Torment and Chainghasts. I still have the Scriptor Mortis, five Craventhrone Guard, and four Myremourn Banshees to finish off the Nighthaunts from the box. Other than that, the only other Nighthaunts I have are the bonus Thorns of the Briar Queen minis I have from Rivals of the Mirrored City. 

As I have so few remaining - most of which are partially painted, I feel like I might just try to finish them ALL off before doing anything else... just because then that's an entire collection/force that is DONE!! Nothing else is even remotely close... at least, not for Age of Sigmar... 

Oh... I guess the Gargants would be closer, as there's just the one and they're mostly painted... 

Or the beasts of Chaos, as I have only the one Warhammer Underworlds warband... 

Anyway... going to finish these up... 

Also, not going to lie... These were super fun and quick to paint up and I think they look pretty cool... If I didn't already have FOUR more Spearhead armies to finish up... and SEVEN other Age of Sigmar Armies with SO MUCH MORE to paint - beyond any outstanding Spearhead force... (not to mention the literal THOUSANDS of other miniatures for other eras and games!?) I'd be SUPER tempted to run out and buy the Vanguard/Spearhead box for THESE TOO!? (The even MORE ridiculous thing is that would bring THIS force up to over 2000 points of troops?!).

Not that any of that stopped me from buying the box these came in to get the two units I needed to fill out that fourth yet-to-be-painted spearhead force... 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Darkoath Army Set

 I did a thing... AGAIN... 

Darkoath Army Set

There were a number of reasons this happened... 

I did kind of need the Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed for a large chunk of the Slaves to Darkness force I already have to be useful in the new edition. I have twenty Chaos Marauder Horse (now "Darkoath Fellriders") and Dark Oath warriors can only join Regiments led by Dark Oath leaders - or a Daemon Prince or Gaunt Summoner - and I had NONE of those... 

Not that ANY of those Chaos Marauder horse were PAINTED or anything... so... "NEED" might be a BIT of an exaggeration. "WOULD NEED"... if ever they got painted and I decided to play Age of Sigmar with a Slaves to Darkness army... in a format that wasn't Spearhead... 

The other reason was I thought these would be fun to use as Adversaries in Soulbound. These would be a more common foe in Aqshy than straight up Khorne Bloodbound or any Hedonites of Slaanesh... and a LOT of my thinking about what units to paint have shifted towards what would be useful in a Soulbound campaign... (More on that in a bit!)

Also... it was a crazy good deal... to buy all of these units separately would be $343CAD... the box set retailed for $250... and the place I got it from (Fenris Workshop - first time I've bought from them... and, full disclosure, this link includes a referral code and if you happen to go there and buy $40 worth of stuff I get some "experience points" for their rewards program that might get me a few dollars off if ever I order from them again... I digress...) was selling it for $179CAD ($71 off the original price of the box)!? Making it about 50% off buying things separately... or if I think about it another way, if I assumed I was going to have to buy the Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed for $63, I got an additional $280 worth of stuff for only $116 (which is 70% off!?)

This adds:

  • 1x Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed
  • 1x Wilderfiend
  • 5x Darkoath Fellriders
  • 20x Darkoath Marauder

I am tempted to just start assembling and painting these all straight away... but I'm going to try and finish up the Nighthaunts first. Then work on these while working on Stormcast and Daughters of Khaine Spearhead armies... 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Dramatis Personae - Knight-Questor Kalilah Stormfriend

This is the first in a series of posts I have planned detailing a character for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - the role-playing game set in the Mortal Realms of Age of Sigmar.

In the role-playing game, characters are usually Soulbound - the chosen of the gods that have had their souls bound through an arduous and painful process, but leaves the survivors effectively immortal and confers a bunch of other benefits... 


Players can also play Stormcast Eternals! Stormcast Eternals cannot become Soulbound, but often accompany Soulbound on their quests! 

Stormcast Eternals are effectively immortal as well, in their own way. While Soulbound are really, REALLY hard to kill, they just don't get sick, don't age, and can recover fairly quickly from pretty horrendous injuries... The Stormcast, on the other hand are, technically killed in battle... often... but at the point of death their body and soul flash back to Azyr in a blast of lightning, to be reforged on the Anvil of Apotheosis. 

So we are starting with a Stormcast Eternal - Knight-Questor Kalilah Stormfriendof the Anvils of Heldenhammer

Knight-Questor Kalilah Stormfriend of the Anvils of Heldenhammer

Kalilah remembers little of her mortal life. This has less to do with loss of memory during reforging than it has to do with her being dead for over a thousand years and her soul wandering an underworld for many centuries. Nothing concerning enough to send her off to the Ruination Chamber. While she can seem cold and calculating and blunt in the execution of her duty, she has certainly not lost her soul and has moments of warmth.

Kalilah may have been a warrior of some sort in the Agloaraxian Empire at some point. When first campaigning in Aqshy, the ruins of the ancient empire scattered across the Parch were strangely familiar to her. 

When first forged as a Stormcast and assigned to the Anvils of Heldenhammer, Kalilah did not feel the same immediate kinship that many of the other warriors felt for each other. There was no animosity with them, just not quite... fitting in. With training her martial skills proved exemplary, but she did not fight well within units. She had a keen eye and cunning and a preternatural ability to track a foe. Someone suggested she might best serve as a Knight-Questor and all of her superiors in the chain of command above her, right up to Sigmar himself, agreed. In this role she found her true place to serve among the Stormhosts and never looked back. 

She is technically based out of the Stormkeep in Anvilgard, and will return to there between quests if one isn't assigned immediately after the previous one's completion. Most of the time she is on a quest, however, and travels across the realms and has spent considerable time in Ghyran as well as Aqshy.  

She has been reforged five times over the last century.

The Quests Kalilah favours are the ones where she directly helps people who are being terrorized by a direct Chaos threat, and is able to end that threat by utterly destroying it and allowing the mortals devoted to Sigmar to continue living their life in (relative) peace.

The Knight-Questor is a fairly solitary person, enjoying time alone to work on her current quest. She has made a few friends among various stormhosts and other Knight-Questors she has crossed paths with over the centuries. She doesn't often form deep connections with mortals, but has recently befriended a group of Soulbound that she has worked with in the last few years. 

Body 4

Mind 2

Soul 3

Skills (Training/Focus) 

  • Weapon Skill - Training 1 - Focus 1
  • Awareness - Training 1 - Focus 0
  • Athletics - Training 1 - Focus 1
  • Fortitude - Training 1  - Focus 0
  • Lore - Training 1 - Focus 1
  • Survival - Training 1 - Focus 1

(Awareness, for some reason, isn't a skill Knight-Questors are usually allowed to start with...? But I thought it made sense for this character, so I gave it to her anyway!) 


  • Diplomant
  • Combat Ready
  • Guts 

Short Term Goal

  • Complete the Next Quest

Long Term Goal

  • ...?

(I'm not sure what goals a Knight-Questor would have other than finishing the quest... and then finishing the next one...)


  • Sigmarite Warplate
  • Questor Warblade
  • Mace-Torch-Thing
  • Cloak 
  • Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Waterskin
  • Rope (50')
  • Aqua Ghyranis - 5 Drops

(Knight Questors usually either have the Warblade and a Shield or a Two-Handed Weapon of some sort... the new Knight-Questor model has a warblade and a torch that, in the Skaventide novel, was described as being like a giant cage-like mace with a mote of light shining in the middle of it and when the Knight-Questor clashed their sword and "mace" together, the mace burst into flames... There's no specific NAME for the particular piece of equipment as I recall... So I'm calling it a mace... and a magic torch that never burns out... and should probably have the ability to potentially light anyone or anything it hits on FIRE!) 

Stay tuned for MORE Dramatis Personae... and some info about what exactly I have planned for these!? 

Work-In-Progress Wednesday - 28 August 2024

I've been sick this last week, so I haven't gotten out much... or done much of anything... But I did manage to prop myself up at the workbench and get a lot of hobby stuff done!!

I have done a LOT of assembling and priming this past week!! Most of it has been cleared OFF the workbench so I can focus on just a few things... 

In the last week I assembled and primed: 

All the Stormcast from the 3rd Edition Extremis Starter set - 1x Lord-Imperatant with 1x Gryph-hound, 3x Praetors, and 5x Vindictors. I had previously assembled all the terrain, so that leaves the Orruks... which... I'm not sure if I'm going to assemble or just try and sell/trade them away... 

I finished assembling the last of the stuff from the Arena of Shades Box set - including a Scriptor Mortis, 5x Craventhrone Guard, 10x Bladegheist Revenants, and 4x Myrmourn Banshees, for the Nighthaunts, and 5 Khinerai Heartrenders for the Daughters of Khaine. (The previous week before I'd assembled the Witch Aelves, Doomfire Warlocks, and High Gladiatrix, and assembled and PAINTED the Spirit Torment and two Chainghasts!) 

I also assembled the bonus set I had of the Thorns of the Briar Queen (7 miniatures) - just to use as Chainrasps in the Nighthaunt force... 

I also assembled and primed a few more of the Skaventide box, including 3x Prosecutors needed for the Stormcast Spearhead force. Also the Skaven Clawlord on Gnaw-Beast to start off the Skaven Spearhead force... I'm not sure if I'll assemble much more than the Spearhead force... I feel like I might just get rid of the Ratling Warpblaster and Jezzail teams... maybe even the 20 extra Clanrats... (or... maybe I'll just get an assembly line going and knock off all 40 Clanrats at once!?) 

I also primed five Chaos Marauder Horse that I has assembled ages ago... 

(while doing all this, I also managed to finish painting the Miniature-of-the-Month Space Marine Scout, a Knight Questor, the Mindstealer Sphiranx, four Black Arc Reavers and four Lumineth Stand-ins

Here's what's actually still on the workbench...

Still have these Stormcast Heroes from Skaventide - and to them I have added the Prosecutors that I assembled and primed this week. Still need to assemble the... Liberators...? (I keep wanting to call them "Hammerers" but I think those are dwarves...?) That I need for the Stormcast Spearhead army... then I will just need to do the Reclusians and Memorians to finish up all the Stormcast from the Skaventide box! 

(The gryph hound belongs to one of the heroes from one of the other boxes...?) 

All the other Stormcast I assembled and primed this week have been squirrelled away into storage boxes for now - because there was just TOO MUCH STUFF on the workbench!?

A few other Stormcast things... spare sets of Warhammer Underworlds warbands that I was working on to test out the Anvils of Heldenhammer scheme... that are just so close to being finished I just couldn't put them back into storage... even though they are not much use in game terms... 

Still some Khorne Bloodbound skulking around hoping to be finished up... 

STILL some Hedonites of Slaanesh skulking around hoping to be finished up... (these should REALLY go back into storage... ) 

The Skaven boss from the Skaventide box and leader of the Spearhead army... ("Clawlord on Gnaw-Beast"?)

Scriptor Mortis from the Arena of Shades box...  I left MOST of the Night Haunt stuff on the workbench because I thought they'd be easy to knock out quickly and have a PLAN for them... more on that soon!!!

Bladegheist Revenants 

Bonus Myrmourn Banshees (same kit as Lady Harrow's Mournflight Warhammer Underworlds warband) from Arena of Shades

Bonus set of Thorns of the Briar Queen from the Rivals of the Mirrored City box that I'm just going to use as spare Chainrasps 

Some Chaos Marauder Horse that I assembled a few years ago, but never got around to priming and painting... They don't make these models anymore. They've been replaced with Darkoath Fellriders... which, conveniently, are pretty much the same thing (though they don't seem to have the Flail option that the older Marauder Horse had... but that's fine, because I built these with Javelins - which is what they newer Fellriders seem to be armed with!) 

I'm kind of torn about how to paint these... a more "realistic" palette of drab colours... or something more flashy and fun?! 

Some old metal flagellants... for... REASONS?!

All the Daughters of Khaine forces were temporarily removed from the workbench... as it was getting just TOO CROWDED! With them went the Craventhrone Guard and a bunch of the Stormcast! 

Which of these will I finish up next...? Hard to say... Maybe the Nighthaunt - just to get them quickly out of the way... 

During all of this I sat and watched Those About to Die on Prime with Amanda (and narrowly avoided dropping EVERYTHING and start painting romans and other ancient subjects!?) and listened all the way through the Skaventide audiobook... and then started it again!? 

What are YOU working on THIS WEEK!? 

(tell me about it in the comments!) 

Age of Sigmar - Lumineth Vanari Warriors

Again, as with the Black Ark Reavers, these aren't actually Lumineth miniatures... They're old Citadel Warhammer Fantasy miniatures... but the Lumineth are the kind of the inheritors of the snooty, aloof High Elf tradition in Age of Sigmar... (and I don't want to go out and spend $70CAD just to have a character or two for Soulbound when I already have THESE and they're just FINE!) 

The two with Great Swords I may have had for over 30 years... the Lothern Sea Guard minitures (with spear and shield and BOW - hidden behind them!) I've probably have for... 20 or more...). The Great Swords were painted and have been stripped to be repainted. The Sea Guard... I picked up when used (but unpainted?!) Warhammer Fantasy miniatures were cheap as one edition was winding down and I was buying stuff I planned to use for Hordes of the Things... 

The Vanari are citizen warriors of the Lumineth Realmlords. Highly trained warriors... but also have other lives and wait until called up to defend the realms. In Soulbound: Champions of Order they became playable Archetypes... So I thought I'd painted these up to use... 

Four old Warhammer Fantasy High Elves, being repurposed as Lumineth Realmlords in Age of Sigmar.

I was also kine of testing some different painting schemes here....

These ones with traditional metal equipment are how I was planning to paint all the High Elves I have kicking around (I have another dozen Sea Guard which would be used in Dragon Rampant... or.. really... ANY fantasy game...). 

But then I thought about trying to paint them like the Lumineth in Age of Sigmar - which are generally depicted in white armour... and... I kind of LIKE this look... I may end up painting the rest to look like this... should I EVER get around to painting them!?

The whole deal with Sea Guard was that they are armed with spear and shield AND bow.... and were kind of THE ELITE foot troops of the old Warhammer Fantasy High Elves... (I think...) 

I though this would make a really fun reason for why at least ONE of the Lumineth was in a Binding with Darkling Coven Reavers and Humans and Duardin in Soulbound - Vanari generally focus on ONE THING - Vanari Bladelords wield Sunmetal Greatblades, Vanari Auralan Wardens are armed with Warden's pikes and shields, Vanari Auralan Sentinels have their triple-stringed arcbows, Vanari Dawnrider ride into war on a horse... This character couldn't pick one and trained in bow and pike, but never really fit into either unit... so... didn't really fit into the whole Lumineth military system and thus was offered up to become a Soulbound. 

Not sure why the Bladelord is going to be there just yet... maybe they were siblings... or lovers... or just besties...? 

Age of Sigmar - Black Ark Fleetmaster and Reavers

Okay, they're all really just old Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elf miniatures... but in Age of Sigmar they're Aelves of the Darkling Covens... And since I'm painting up miniatures to use in Soulbound... That's what I'm using these as!

The miniature I'm using as the Black Ark Fleet Master is one I've had for probably 35 years and only recently decided to repaint because, as paint jobs go from that era... it wasn't too bad... But I wanted to bring it up to current standards so it would fit in with the rest of the Reavers.

The rest of the miniatures I've picked up at different points over the years. Some were previously painted that I stripped within the last decade... and then didn't get to painting until now. Others... I just never got around to painting.. I have a few more I might get to - mostly Witch Aelves. 

Normally, I've been doing these sorts of Aelves with grey-ish skin... but for some reason did the Fleet Master with pale pink-ish skin... and didn't feel like changing it... so I kind of followed suit with the rest!? 

Black Ark Fleetmaster and Reavers

Black Ark Fleetmaster

Black Guard - the personal guard of the Fleetmaster

Other Reavers (including two I'd previously painted)

All of the Reavers... so far

I do have a couple other metal minis and a couple dozen plastic Dark Aelves armed with Crossbows... 

As with the Knight-Questor, I'll be posting a Dramatis Personae post once I get the character worked out for the Black Ark Fleet Master.... 

40K - Space Marine Scout

 This was the Free Miniature-of-the-Month from Games Workshop for August 2024. 

Space Marines Scout of the Rainbow Warriors Space Marine Chapter

There's a shot of my attempt at hand painting their Chapter Badge... Not great... but I wasn't going to paint it over and try again!? 

I HAVE a unit of Space Marine Scouts that are ostensibly for Kill Team that I've painted as Imperial Fists. I decided NOT to do this one as one of them for a number of reasons... first, they're ALL metal... second, I didn't even realize this one was a regular Space Marines Scout because it's so much BIGGER!? I honestly thought it was some sort of Intercessor recon dude or something... 

The other reason is that, each month, the local Warhammer Store has a challenge or contest to paint the Miniature of the Month and this month it was "Something Different" and I have never painted a Rainbow Warrior Space Marine!?

I have a handful of other random plastic marines from different chapters... Maybe they'll make a team for Wrath & Glory someday... 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Mindstealer Sphiranx

 Ever since the Mindstealer Sphiranx was released - originally as a large beast for Warcry (if I remember correctly!?) - I thought they were pretty cool and considered getting one... I didn't really have an immediate purpose for it, so I kind of held off. 

Then Louise Sugden painted one with WINGS... and my mind was blown and I knew I would have to have one at some point!?

THEN I realized there was a solo scenario for a Fomoroid Crusher in Warhammer Underworlds... AND the Fomoroid Crusher was available in a box (Hargax’s Pit-Beasts) WITH the Mindstealer Sphiranx (and a Ogroid Myrmidon) AND they could all be used in my Slaves to Darkness army.... Well that was enough for me to pick the box up... 

(Which reminds me, I STILL have not PLAYED the Solo Scenario with the Fomoroid Crusher!? Maybe I should get on that this week!) 

Somehow I cranked out the Fomoroid Crusher and Ogroid Myrmidon... but kind of got a little hung up on this one! I think I was a little intimidated by the possibilities (and the excellent paint jobs Ms. Sugden and others had done on them!). At one point I was considering tiger stripes or leopard spot!? Anyway, I had to let this one percolate a bit... 

A week or so ago I just decided pink and orange, let's DO this!!

And this is what I ended up with! 

I had to realize it wasn't going to be as good as Ms Sugden's (or any of the other amazing painters out there that have done wonderful things with this model) and just... do what I could. 

I am... mostly... happy with it... 

Hargax's Pit Beasts - could be fielded as a Regiment of Reknown in ANY of my Chaos armies!? (Blades of Khorne or Hedonites of Slaanesh or even the SKAVEN!?) 

(or Disciples of Tzeentch or Maggotkin of Nurgle... if/when I ever get around to putting together a small force!?) 

Now that I've painted the BIG BEASTIES, I just need to paint the REST of the Slaves to Darkness army - which is mostly mounted - Chaos Knights and Chaos Marauder Horse (or, Darkoath Fellriders, as they are now called)!? 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Knight-Questor

Instead of doing something sensible, like paint the stuff I needed for the Stormcast Eternals Spearhead army, I decided to assemble and paint all the heroes!? Including the Lord Terminos and Knight-Questor - which aren't even needed for the Spearhead force!? 

I have no real reasoning behind the Lord Terminos, other than"it looked cool" and/or "I was assembling all of the other heroes, so....." But there was a bit more of a reason behind the Knight-Questor.... The Knight-Questor can be played in Warhammer Quest and is an available Archtype in Soulbound (the Age of Sigmar Role-Playing Game!) 

I got a bunch done on these and then lost momentum, for a variety of reasons... for this one... I didn't like the hair... or the character that was based on this model in the Skaventide audiobook... So when I was assembling a bunch of other Stormcast from the Extremis Starter Box (from 3rd edition) and I had a spare Stormcast head that I DID like, I did a bit of a head-swap! Not my best sculpting/converting job ever... but it inspired me to get THIS one done, so... 

Knight-Questor of the Anvils of Heldenhammer. 

I decided to do all my new Stormcast as a Stormhost of Anvils of Heldenhammer... mostly because I liked the look of their black armour that was a stark contrast to the more typical golden sigmarite of the Hammers of Sigmar (which is how I've painted all the other Stormcast Eternals I've painted for Warhammer Underworlds!). I had NO IDEA about their background fluff!?

All Stormcast Eternals were once brave mortal humans that were loyal to Sigmar whose souls were plucked away from Nagash at the moment of their death - often in battle - and reforged into nigh immortal Stormcast on the Anvil of Apotheosis... The Anvils of Heldenhammer are a little different... They were built using souls of long dead heroes from the Age of Myth. They tend to be a dour brooding lot that speak in an archaic manner!?

Backside of the Knight-Questor of the Anvils of Heldenhammer. 

I'd decided a little while ago that I should make up some characters for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - as practice - to learn the game better, and thought I'd start with archetypes that I HAD miniatures for... but then I realized I didn't really HAVE a lot of miniatures for the appropriate archetypes... So I decided I needed to finish up this pretty quick!!

Expect MORE Dramatis Personae posts in the coming weeks - including this Knight-Questor! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Work-In-Progress Wednesday - 21 August 2024

Wow... a LOT of stuff has ended up on the workbench this last week... 

I assembled and painted a Spirit Torment and two Chainghasts... and a Space Sloth... 

I've also finished assembling all the stuff I need for my Melusai Ironsale to command in a Daughters of Khaine Spearhead force...

Daughters of Khaine for the Spearhead force (plus the High Gladiatrix!) 


Blood Stalkers

Doomfire Warlocks

High Gladiatrix - not part of the Spearhead force... but a hero for the Daughters of Khaine that I assembled while working on the others... 

There is ONE MORE UNIT for the Daughters of Khaine in the Arena of Shades box that I should probably just assemble as well... That way they'll ALL be assembled and primed and ready for whenever I get to finishing up the rest of the force! 

Once I'm done the Spearhead force, I'll really only have the Gladiatrix and three more units to finish up... then ALL THE STUFF would be DONE for that force... 

I also still have a BUNCH of Stormcast Heroes on the workbench and I've been slowly working away on them... 

I started listening to the Skaventide audiobook and all of these miniatures are characters in the story... except I'm painting mine as Anvils of Heldenhammer instead of the Hallowed Knights (and Astral Templars for the Knight Questor) that the characters in the book are!

I am tempted to assembled all the Stormcast needed for the Spearhead force and paint them all up... They would be quick to do, right!?

Of course, I'm getting tempted to assembled all the SKAVEN and start painting THEM all up as welll!? 

And then there is a part of me that just wants to assembled ALL THE THINGS... ALL the Stormcast and Skaven from Skaventide (like ALL of them, not just the Spearhead stuff!)... and ALL the Daughters of Khaine and Nighthaunts and Stormcast and Orrocks from the 3rd Edition Extremis Starter Set and Arena of Shadows Boxes... just so they're ALL DONE and I have a sense of what I havea to paint!

Oh, yeah... and the Soulblight Gravelords?!

There's another part of me that wants to sweep this all off the workbench and just work on the Warhammer Quest models to finish up Silver Tower and move on to Cursed City...


Other stuff still haunting the periphery of the workbench... 

These other stormcast... Castigators that I started to test out the Anvils of Heldenhammer scheme... These are SO CLOSE to being finished... I just need to say, Tonight is the night, and get them DONE!!! 

The Mindstealer Sphiranx - This sat for a bit, but I finally decided on some colours the other day and have been working on this between bits of other things and will probably have it done in a day or two... 

Blades of Khorne stuff... I seem to be losing steam on these... maybe it's time for them to go back in the box... 

There are a few Slaanesh things too... but it's been so long since I did ANYTHING with them, I couldn't even be bothered to take a picture... 

I've also been doing some work on the Warscryer Citadel - it doesn't spend too much time on the workbench propper - because it's so big and there are so many other things ON the workbench... so I forgot to take pictures of it... 

Stay tuned to see which of these I actually get DONE this week!! 

Age of Sigmar - Spirit Torment and Chainghasts

 I painted up the first three of the Nighthaunts from the Arena of Shades box I picked up... Did I need these for anything in particular? Nope! Just felt like painting up some Nighthaunts.

Amanda had originally suggested I should try and sell or trade away all the Nighthaunts... why did I need ANOTHER army!? A reasonable suggestion... but I have ZERO interest in ever fielding an army of these! I just think they'll be fun units of baddies in... other games... like Soulbound! And they're SO EASY TO PAINT!?! Why would I want to get rid of these!? 

Spirit Torment and two Chainghasts. 

Really quite a BUNCH of spooky ghosties I'm acquiring - once you add in all the Warhammer Underworlds warbands! (and there are two or three more units and a hero in the Arena of Shades box!) 

(exactly NONE of them are useful for a Spearhead army, though...) 

I have enough of these now, I've made a Gallery Page for them:

Age of Sigmar: Nighthaunt

I have all the stuff I need for the Daughters of Khaine Spearhead army assembled... I should really just knock those all out... but I have a feeling I'm just going to be jumping around from this to that for a while.. I really like the idea of just getting ALL the Nighthaunts finished up!